Welcome to my business, my name is Vannak Phou.
Here’s a little bit about me. I am a proud father of my wonderful family and a very passionate cook. We live in a modest house in the countryside, a short ride away from Battambang city, which is also where my cooking class takes place.
Having grown up in both Cambodia and Thailand with a family full of cooks, I have been a student of my parents from a very young age. That’s where my passion for food began and my studies in cooking traditional Khmer cuisine started.
Having learnt all of my parents’ recipes, and being so grateful for this heritage, I wanted to share my knowledge and the legacy of traditional Khmer cuisine by teaching people from around the world how to cook these authentic dishes.
Thus, began my Smokin’ Pot Cooking School.
With over 18 years of experience, I have watched the traditional cooking methods change so much in Cambodia. With fast food chains and Western food restaurants located now in most corners of the city, this only made me more passionate to spread my knowledge of our traditional Khmer cuisine, and give people a real food experience of Cambodia.
As the success of our cooking school continues to grow, I decided to open a food stall in the Battambang night market, where people are able to taste our authentic dishes made by myself and my family.
By attending our small cooking class, we are able to teach you how to make delicious authentic Khmer dishes, by using traditional equipment and techniques my parents taught me.
So, come and join me for a truly authentic memory from your time in Cambodia.